We want expert teacher for our offline and online courses. You may associate with us as a full time or part-time teacher and teach from home through Math Coders platform. Teachers who are highly confident on their teaching skills and have knowledge in any one of following fields, shall apply for this opportunity. Send your CV to paramitamunsidas@gmail.com

  • Computer programming language (C, C++, Python, Java etc.)
  • Mobile App development (MIT App Inventor or Android Studio)
  • Coding (Block Coding through code.org)
  • Game development (using scratch.mit.edu)
  • 3-D Design and Printing (Knowledge of Tinkercad)
  • Basics of Electronics
  • Robotics
  • Drone making
  • Arduino UNO
  • Internet on Things (IoT)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Web Development
  • Cyber security system
  • Mathematics (Grade KG to 12) or higher
  • Video making and editing in you tube platform